Sunday, January 8, 2012

Photo a Day - January 2012

So I thought this would be fun.
Found this on Fat Mum Slim's blog.
Original post HERE. :)

Day 1 - Me. :)

Day 2 - Boiled Egg, Grapes and Sweetie Clementines.

Day 3 - Something I adore. My kids.

Day 4 - Our ghetto mailbox. lol!

Day 5 - Something I wore.

Day 6 - Kawaii fabric makes me smile. :)

Day 7 - Snoballs = Favorite yummy treat.

Day 8 - Your sky. Place: Kaneohe, Hawaii

1 comment:

  1. Good on your for starting! im really enjoying it, and i do like your 'favourite' pic,very cute!
